There are many ways to give.


Student Level

  • $50-$499          

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Program Level

  • $500-$1,999

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Event Level

  • $2,000 & Above

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 Become a monthly supporter

Lesson Supporter Lesson Supporter
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Lesson Supporter
$25.00 every month

For $25 a month, you can provide a lesson for a student in need.

Ensemble Supporter Ensemble Supporter
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Ensemble Supporter
$50.00 every month

For $50 a month, you can sponsor a student to participate in one of our ensembles.

After School Supporter After School Supporter
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After School Supporter
$100.00 every month

For $100 a month, you can help a student participate in our yearly after school programs.

Leave a legacy

The continued existence of the Hickory Music Factory depends on the generous gifts of individual supporters, businesses and organizations. The HMF Endowment Fund is a permanent trust fund created to strengthen the financial foundation of the organization. You can help by including the Hickory Music Factory in your estate plan. Opportunities to make a special gift to the HMF Endowment include Gifts of Cash and Securities, Life Insurance and Bequests, Retirement Plans (IRA’s, 401(k) plans, qualified profit-sharing plans and 403(b) plans. For more information and details, without obligation, please contact the Hickory Music Factory office. Your consideration and support are greatly needed and appreciated.

Volunteer your time

Do you have a passion for music and enjoy giving back? Do you have volunteers hours that need to be met? There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active volunteer yourself.

 Your donation allows us to provide music programs, events and scholarships to youth in the community. HMF is a 501(3)(c) charity, and as such, your donations are tax deductible. We greatly appreciate your support.